Specialty - Listening !!!

We people care more for eyes than ears !!! Though all our body components have equal importance, it's we prioritize on our wish !!! In this post, we are to discuss about listening - the result of coordination between ear and brain !!!

When we stop seeing, our eyes are closed !!! When we stop speaking, our mouth is closed !!! But does our ear closes when we stop listening ?!?!?!

God has designed human body in such a way that, we should never stop listening in our lifetime !!! Even while sleeping, our ears don't take rest !!! One of the essential component which never takes rest and often underestimated !!!

I have noticed this in many people !!! They never feel shy to wear spectacles !!! Even they are now used for style !!! But many people hesitate to wear hearing aid !!! A survey says a big community of people are totally unaware about the availability of hearing aid in markets !!!

Now lets see the specialty of listening !!! Thirukural, the universally accepted book says that, Listening is the best of all the gifts !!!

How ?!!? See someone preparing for examination !!! A guy who never listens in class, but memorizes the book thoroughly never succeeds in exam !!! A guy who never touches the book, but listens well in class succeeds !!!

It is also evident that the concept of teaching is only after realization about listening !!! If not, we all would have given a book in hand and asked to prepare of our own !!! Though the students who never listens during class hours, ask lessons from their friends and grasp !!! This is the best possible way to learn !!!

For anything to reach to the point, listening is the only way !!!

Now have you ever seen two people discussing !?!? One guy would share his problem to other !!! If you note that conversation, the sad one will say his problem !!! The other guy will say some solutions !!! The sad one never even bothers to listen the solution and he continues from the same point where he left !!! Then what is the meaning of that discussion !!! Probably the waste of time !!!

This is most common with us also !!! We people listen less to others !!! Many of us would have experienced this with our friends !!! We keep speaking something, whereas other person will just speak whatever he thinks in his heart !!!

This is because, the universal truths are,

1. Any conversation in which we are not discussed about is simply a blabber to us !!!

2. Any photo in which we are not present is of less importance to us !!!

These are basic human psychologies !!! But when something is good worthy to listen, there is nothing wrong in giving it the respect it deserves !!!

Hope this post was useful !!! Please refer this blog to your friends and relatives !!! Please find time to write back to us !!! Do vote in INDLI, INDIBLOGGER and DIGG, if we deserve !!!

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