Dilli Haat

Delhi Haat

Indian artifacts, handicrafts, textiles, brassware, kitchen items, colorful dresses, winter wear, bangles, shoes, bridal ware, traditional regional artificial jewellery, food delicacies and fast food's permanent market with changing vendors, center of cultural activities and lover's meeting point is Dilli [Delhi] Haat, situated in the heart of India New Delhi covering an area of 6 acres. It is an upgraded version of Indian villages’ weekly traditional market. It presents a panoramic ever-changing colorful view of vast Indian villages through their handicrafts, dresses, and culture.

Dilli Haat often hosts regional food festivals, cultural dances and drama programmes of regions of India and other countries. You can purchase items directly from the artisans sometimes preparing skillfully designed handicrafts at cheaper rates before you from anywhere else with the pride of promoting village arts and helping the poor.

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